– Our Logo 本會會誌


Our logo represents the mission of Queen Of China Catholic Ministries. It is our desire to bring the saving truth of Jesus most fully present in the most Blessed Sacrament of the altar and the true devotion to our Blessed Mother to all Chinese living in the world.

In the center of our logo is the eucharist, which is the center of our Catholic faith. Superimposed on the eucharist is the Chinese word ” 全”  which means complete. Underneath the eucharist is a crown which represents Mary as Queen of Heaven. There are also two red roses which are symbols for St. Therese of Lisieux, patron of the missions and also on whose feast day 120 Chinese martyrs were canonized.

我們的會誌代表了  ‘中華之后聖母天主教福傳會’ 的使命。這是我們的願望: 把耶穌那親臨在祭台上聖體聖事中拯救的真理, 及對於聖母真心的奉獻,傳達於全世界的中國人。


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